Organizations need to be aware of whether their state requires specific disclosures (such as privacy agreements, the process for filing complaints, etc.) to be made in writing prior to a provider delivering patient care via telemedicine. Some organizations consider originating sites to be...

Each healthcare facility needs a disaster preparedness plan, which should include steps the facility will take in the event of a natural disaster or other event that temporarily overtaxes its resources. One element of such disaster plans is language ensuring that appropriate...

NCQA requires that the health plan’s policies and procedures address how it stores, modifies and secures its credentialing information. In addition to the confidentiality requirements under its...

Use this sample bylaws language supplied by CRC board member William K. Cors, MD, MMM, FAAPL, to help you develop guidance for granting temporary, emergency, and disaster privileges. For a second set of sample bylaws on this subject, click ...
