Regulators continue to put pressure on hospitals to ensure physician competence through an effective peer review process. Medical staff leaders are charged with organizing and managing a robust approach to peer review. This policy outlines one approach to the challenge of medical staff peer...

This sample questionnaire was created to guide credentials committee members as they interview new medical staff applicants. 

A member of the credentials committee should interview applicants to determine if the written application fits the applicant. The...

This policy provides for the confidentiality of records maintained by the Hospital medical staff and medical staff office (MSO). This includes the minutes of all medical staff committees and all correspondence between medical staff leaders and medical staff personnel and individual members of...

In terms of workforce efficiency, the fewer tasks that are handed off, the better. It may sometimes seem smart to divvy up tasks among teams to increase efficiency. However, that practice can backfire, creating more work, more confusion, and longer turnaround times. This figure shows how to make...

For MSPs, tracking low-volumeadvanced practice practitioners (APP) seems like a balance between relying on technology and manual efforts to collect data. Use this form as a tool to augment and satisfy the APP OPPE review process, specifically in the absence of meaningful, harvestable clinical...

The 2023 MSP Salary Survey Report sheds light on urgent focuses, burgeoning functions, and emerging markets identified by medical staff movers and shakers who keep their finger on the industry’s pulse. By using the trends detailed in this report to enrich their professional...

Burnout in healthcare continues to be a prominent story in healthcare. Unfortunately, it is not just a catchy headline. Twenty-five percent of physicians, nurses, and advanced practice providers are considering switching careers, according to one recent survey conducted by Bain & Company. Of...

Planning and meeting-management strategies are worthless if people don’t participate during meetings. Before and during meetings, leaders should tell attendees how they can be helpful. Sometimes, however, even the most experienced physician leaders encounter problems during meetings....

This sample email can be used to keep the necessary stakeholders updated on the status of initial applications. 

This table lays out possible roles and responsibilities that medical staff leaders—from service line chiefs to committee chairs—may hold.
