There are many factors that contribute to successful delegated credentialing for both the health and delegated entity to consider. Below are tips and recommendations for the health plan.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 33, Issue 9
Credentials committees can have many challenges, but CRCJ has outlined a few that credentialing members and committees may encounter when privileging and credentialing both new and current physicians.
Since the original programs of the 1980s, crew resource management (CRM) training has evolved to include additional subject matter beyond a focus on interpersonal communication. Today, CRM core content typically includes topics such as leadership, team building, followership and conflict...
It’s important for credentials committee members to understand that they are involved directly or indirectly in developing an excellent privileging process. Privileging involves four distinct, ongoing steps.
You don’t have to tell a credentialer that ensuring the competency of medical staff is paramount. They know. But while internal assessments provide a critical foundation for evaluating practitioners, there are times when an external perspective is necessary. Third-party competency assessment...