Although hospitalists are well aware of their programs’ resource utilization and case management goals, they may lose sight of those goals during the course of their busy days. They may feel like they need an extra set of arms and legs and a...
This column concludes a series devoted to the many medical staff models that have cropped up in recent years. This series has also discussed how you can implement these models in your own medical staffs.
As of July 1, The Joint Commission added antidiscrimination language into the medical staff chapter of the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (CAMH). Previous antidiscrimination language was deleted in 2003 because the accrediting organization believed it...
When two medical staffs are forced to integrate as the result of a hospital merger or acquisition, medical staff leaders and MSPs may feel overwhelmed by the questions cascading through their minds. Which facility’s bylaws will take precedence? Who will be the new medical...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 9
If an anesthesiologist with a medical degree is faced with a malpractice case, who would your medical staff legal counsel call to serve as an expert witness? Another anesthesiologist with an MD, or a qualified certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)?