As healthcare organizations continue to redraw and dismantle the department lines that once divided medical staff credentialing and provider enrollment, the growing continent of MSPs driving both functions must get up to speed on all relevant standards and determine how to achieve the most...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 11
Once driven exclusively by insurance carriers, provider enrollment features ever-more prominently in healthcare institutions’ service portfolios and under MSPs’ purviews. Of the nearly 1,000 respondents to the 2017 MSP Salary Survey, 22.3% work in departments that carry out both medical staff...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 9
Featuring a handful of inpatient beds and a narrow selection of community-tailored services, microhospitals are seeking to revolutionize care delivery in cities across the country.
These pint-sized purveyors of targeted interventions have a two-fold appeal: they present healthcare...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 9
The updated National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Guidebook was published in April 2015. The revised edition expanded parameters for reporting medical staff activities and most notably required MSPs to reexamine guidelines regarding investigations and reporting obligations.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 8
The Joint Commission’s new survey scoring system features clear visuals, emphasizes patient safety, and engages hospital leaders, according to compliance experts. But inconsistent surveyor application is one early glitch in the matrix.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 7
Increasingly, mergers and acquisitions are making strange bedfellows of acute, ambulatory, and postacute care facilities. As these newly aligned entities share practitioners and best practices, formalized credentialing is catching on across the care continuum.
In many nontraditional...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 6
It’s a mild April morning. Dr. Smith, an accomplished surgeon, and Bill Loney, an affable—if absent-minded—general surgery practice manager, walk briskly down the halls of St. Elsewhere Medical Center, a far-off, yet somehow familiar, facility where Dr. Smith was recently hired. They pause...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 26, Issue 5