The recruiting office has found an exceptional candidate to join the medical staff. The hospital is excited to fill a departmental vacancy and bring in more revenue. Both of these factors can put pressure on the medical staff office (MSO) to complete credentials files faster by...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 2
The Joint Commission will no longer use the term "disruptive behavior" in standard LD.03.01.01, EPs 4 and 5. The term was removed from the EPs by The Joint Commission's accreditation committee and board of commissioners after physicians raised concerns about the ambiguity of the...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 1
Keeping track of the steps of the peer review process can be just as daunting for MSPs as the actual process is for physicians under review. There are many steps to remember, and it is of the utmost importance that each step is followed to prevent legal action by physicians...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 12
Credentialing and privileging approval depends on a variety of hard data sources, from NPDB information to internal quality data. But one equally weighted component comes from colleague references in the form of peer recommendations.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 11
The nursing profession is in an upheaval. Nurses want more opportunities to learn alongside physicians, in classrooms and in direct patient care settings with more and longer residency programs in hospitals.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 10
The Credentialing Resource Center Journal has partnered with the Association of Healthcare Accreditation Professionals (AHAP) to present you the results of a recent survey regarding the status of challenges related to the Medical Staff chapter of The Joint Commission's...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 9
While it's certainly not considered one of the perks of the job, at some point during their career MSPs will have to deal with a physician who exhibits disruptive behavior.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 8
The first half of 2011 has produced a number of natural disasters that have ravaged various regions. In April and May, flooding of the Mississippi River devastated areas of Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Wildfires in Texas burned more than 2.5 million acres, and Western...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 7
On May 2, CMS finalized a new credentialing rule that relieves credentialing professionals of the onerous task of verifying the often numerous hospital affiliations and board licenses typically held by telemedicine providers.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 6
Privileging physician assistants (PA) and AHPs can be a tricky ordeal because PAs are often lumped in with AHPs. In addition, with regulatory clarifications from The Joint Commission, it's even more important to closely rely on strict definitions outlined in the medical staff...