How do you make the most of your resources while keeping within the limits of your annual budget? Although money may be tight, there are plenty of ways to be smart with the funding available to your medical staff services office. Credentialing Resource Center Journal caught up...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 3
In July 2012 it was revealed that two New Mexico surgeons were involved in nearly 80 malpractice lawsuits after performing back surgeries that only one of the surgeons was qualified to perform.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 3
The Clinical Privilege White Papers provide sample privileging criteria and background information for medical specialties, subspecialties, advanced practice professionals (APP), procedures, and new technologies. This article provides an inside look at how these papers are...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 22, Issue 3
Does your mind often swim with tasks that need to be completed? Do you find yourself constantly switching between tasks as they come into mind? Do you start projects but can't remember if you've completed them? If you are nodding in agreement while eyeing sticky note-covered...