Plus, hospital employees fired for accessing actor’s medical records, senators ask for old privacy regulation to be removed, and Match results hint at future of physician workforce
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 28, Issue 4
One-fourth of America’s practicing physicians are age 65 or older, and this proportion will continue to rise as the peak of the baby boomer generation enters the ranks of the elderly. According to the AMA, more than 40% of the nation’s 1 million doctors are older than 50. These are daunting...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 28, Issue 4
The corrective action, summary suspension, and fair hearing processes are high-stakes proceedings and extremely stressful for all involved. Hospitals can alleviate some of this stress by ensuring their medical staff bylaws do not create extra pressure points when managing practitioner behavior...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 28, Issue 4
The Supreme Court of Utah (the “Court”) affirmed a district court’s decision that there is no exception to the non-discoverability of privileged peer review documents for information that is provided in bad faith. An exception applies only in terms of liability; that is, a person who provides...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 28, Issue 4