Delineation of privileges is one of those evergreen battles in the world of medical staff services-an ever-moving target that requires excellent best practices, but changes so often and so quickly that every organization must find its own tactics for privilege tracking.
Since The Joint Commission launched the FPPE concept and the related OPPE, hospitals have struggled to find their ideal method for performing and tracking these processes.
The National Association of Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) has announced the launch of its NAMSS PASS™ tool. NAMSS PASS (Practitioner Affiliation Sharing Source) is a secure, online repository intended to provide a quick and easy method to access primary source affiliation...
Editor's note: This is the fourth and final article in MSB's allied health practitioner series by Patricia A. Furci, RN, MA, Esq., and Samuel J. Furci, MPA, of Furci Associates, LLC, in West Orange, N.J.
One of the most common myths regarding medical staff governance is that only active staff can vote. The reality is there is no restriction as to who can vote: not from the CMS Conditions of Participation (CoP), not from The Joint Commission, not from any other national regulatory or...