Last month, we explored the “germinating seed” in some medical staff leaders of the recognition that there might be more to healthcare than just the physician-patient interaction that is the cornerstone of our medical training and experience. If this happens, medical staff leaders are encouraged...
A culture of patient safety is prominent throughout the healthcare industry. It is quite common to find a requirement for pre-employment drug testing for all healthcare organization employees. This often encompasses employees who are involved in direct patient care, including credentialed...
According to the AMA, nearly a quarter of physicians actively practicing in the United States in 2015 were age 65 or older. In a world where longer life spans and delayed retirement have become commonplace, this statistic is not particularly shocking, but it points to a question that hospital...
A working relationship with law enforcement is key to the safety, efficacy, and well-being of everyone in the hospital: providers and patients. That said, hospitals and law enforcement have different goals. And while the two usually work well together, they can find themselves at odds.