Ask the expert: Are there different types of ED call pay?
Yes. Unrestricted on-call pay enables the physician who is on call to leave the healthcare facility’s premises. Hospitals that use unrestricted on-call typically implement policies that specify a time frame in which the physician on-call must respond to calls and arrive at the hospital.
Restricted on-call pay requires the physician to remain on the healthcare facility’s premises. Physicians on restricted call are typically compensated at a higher rate than those on unrestricted call. For most specialties, this structure is less common than unrestricted call, but it is common for obstetrics and gynecology.
This week’s question and answer are from Emergency Department On-Call Strategies: From Team Management to Compensation Plans by Kimberly Mobley; Richard A. Sheff, MD, CMSL; and Bradley Zlotnick, MD, FACEP.