Ask the expert: What incidents must be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank?
- Based on an assessment of professional competence, a proctor is assigned to a physician for a period of more than 30 days, and the physician must be granted approval before administering certain medical care.
- A physician voluntarily restricts or surrenders clinical privileges; professional competence or conduct is under investigation.
- A physician voluntarily restricts or surrenders clinical privileges in return for not conducting an investigation or professional competence or conduct.
- A physician’s application for medical staff appointment is denied based on professional competence or conduct.
- A physician’s request for clinical privileges is denied or restricted based on assessment of clinical competence as defined by the hospital.
This week’s question and answer are excerpted from Effective Peer Review: A Practical Guide to Contemporary Design, Second Edition by Robert J. Marder, MD, CMSL; Mark A. Smith, MD, MBA, FACS; CMSL; and Richard Sheff, MD, CMSL