Ask the expert: Who should we include on our technology assessment committee?
November 1, 2012
Because it is difficult to have all clinical areas represented in a well-functioning committee, it is best to have a core committee that maintains the following representation, but does not exceed 15-20 standing members:
- Chief medical officer or vice president of medical affairs
- Chief financial officer
- Chief nursing officer
- Chief information officer or IT department leader
- A pharmacy and therapeutics representative
- A biomedical engineering representative
- A laboratory/diagnostics representative
- An imaging representative
- Physicians/service-line directors from the organization’s strategic clinical areas (e.g., cardiovascular services, emergency department)
- A hospital communications representative
- A research representative
This week’s question and answer are from Privileging for New Procedures & Technology: From resource assessment to competency measurement by Jack Cox, MD, MMM; and Christine Mobley, CPMSM, CPCS.