Call for questions: Physician-Hospital Alignment: Practical Tools and Models in Today’s Economy audio conference (Live show on 6/16!)

Wondering whether your facility should pursue a joint venture with several local physicians? Pondering the benefits of gain sharing? Debating over physician employment? Joint HCPro on June 16 for Physician-Hospital Alignment: Practical Tools and Models in Today's Economy.

During this 90-minute audio conference, you’ll hear from healthcare leaders who implement and manage evolving medical staff models every day:

  • Bill Leaver, president and CEO of Iowa Health System, will discuss his organization’s approach to adopting various medical staff models to cultivate successful physician-hospital relationships and improve the bottom line.
  • Robert “Buster” Mobley, MD, ACPE, executive vice president of medical affairs and quality at St. Dominic Jackson Memorial Hospital in Jackson, MS, shares a physician-economic alignment tool, which helps the organization determine how best to structure relationships with individual physicians.
  • William K. Cors, MD, MMM, CMSL, vice president of medical staff services at The Greeley Company, will discuss the need for flexibility and communication when creating physician-hospital alignment.

The speakers will be available for a Q&A session post-presentation so I encourage you to call in to get your questions answered on June 16. If you wish to submit questions prior to the broadcast, please e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you! 

Liz Jones
Associate Editor
HCPro, Inc.