New medical staff leaders might need an MBA or MMM to understand all the intricacies of costs, reimbursement, and financial issues that hospitals and physicians face. But if such a degree isn’t in your immediate future, you at least need to know what a balance sheet is.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 46
The revenue cycle is a mysterious and complex process that seems disconnected from the primary purpose of healthcare, yet, it is a necessary piece of the healthcare puzzle. Why? Because the more physicians can optimize their financial returns, the more they can reinvest back into their practices...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 45
Various economic and political factors are creating drastic changes to the healthcare environment. These changes have forced many hospitals to reconsider their relationships with medical staff members in an effort to achieve financial success.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 45
Mary Hoppa, MD, MBA, CMSL, discusses the importance of updating medical staff documents, including bylaws, rules and regulations, and policies and procedures, in her series Small Hospital Challenges Monthly.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 44
When defining physician competency measures, make sure physicians are involved. Afterall, if physicians design the measures, they will be the first to know if they fail to meet them. Follow these seven criteria to help guide your selection and prioritization of indicators for your medical staff...