Choosing a medical specialty to enter is perhaps the most important choice a medical student will make in his or her career as a physician. Many factors ultimately influence this decision, from level of compensation to the desired level of interaction with patients. With 2018 coming to a close,...
"Many of us are in awe of the science that drives medicine, but what distinguishes physicians from other scientists is the connection we form with other individuals through our work."
MSPs, we want to hear from you for our next Medical Staff Briefing article! As as the end of the year nears, we encourage you to reflect on this past year and look eagerly towards the coming one. If you're interested in sharing your 2018 achievements and 2019 aspirations with us and...
Being at the forefront of a fast-moving trend can be a double-edged sword for microhospital operators, which get to differentiate themselves as care innovators but must pave the way with little formal guidance.
One challenge, according to experts, is distinguishing microhospitals among...
Credentialing Resource Center's library of core privilege forms reflect industry best practices and expert research for a variety of physician, advanced practice, and allied health specialties and subspecialties. This sample privilege form will help you create your own version for clinical...
In 2016, one third of medicine residency directors were burned out and about half had considered resigning in the preceding year, recent research shows.
“Many medical tourists receive excellent care, but data suggest that issues of safety and quality can loom large. Substandard surgical care, poor infection control, inadequately screening of blood products, and falsified or outdated medications in lower income settings of care can pose greater...
According to a recent study, almost 1.5 million Americans are expected to travel internationally in search of medical care. In a phenomenon referred to as medical tourism, many Americans are going abroad to undergo procedures that are either not offered in the United States or that are...
While CMS survey-and-certification memo 17-44-Hospitals notes that surveyors will start with the average daily census (ADC) and average length of stay, it notes the following as other factors that the CMS regional office may consider when determining whether to conduct a second survey or...