Peer review is intended to promote open and honest conversations about the performance of physician peers, with the ultimate goal of promoting patient safety and improving care. The protections offered under the Health care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA) allow these reviews to...
Hospital mergers and acquisitions are occurring with greater frequency than ever, and the trend does not show signs of slowing. With many hospitals forming new partnerships or joining larger healthcare networks, medical staffs are facing the issue of granting privileges to...
Caps on medical liability damages can be a divisive topic. Inevitably, the question is raised regarding whether these caps violate constitutional rights.
Hospital mergers and acquisitions are occurring with greater frequency than ever, and the trend does not show signs of slowing. With many hospitals forming new partnerships or joining larger healthcare networks, medical staffs are facing the issue of granting privileges to...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 13, Issue 22