Medical staff and administrative leaders must decide whether it is more beneficial for the parties involved to maintain separate accreditation providers or adopt the same one. “Arguably, if you applied the same standards across the board, you would be in compliance with The Joint Commission,...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 35
One of the most valuable duties of the medical staff advisor is the working alliance with the medical staff professionals. As a group, MSPs are probably the most unappreciated employees of the hospital.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 35
The target needs to be expressed in the same measurement format as the indicator. It is not uncommon for the physician profiles to accidentally show the indicator data expressed as percentages but the targets as percentiles.
Although hospitalists are well aware of their programs’ resource utilization and case management goals, they may lose sight of those goals during the course of their busy days. They may feel like they need an extra set of arms and legs and a...
This column concludes a series devoted to the many medical staff models that have cropped up in recent years. This series has also discussed how you can implement these models in your own medical staffs.
As of July 1, The Joint Commission added antidiscrimination language into the medical staff chapter of the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (CAMH). Previous antidiscrimination language was deleted in 2003 because the accrediting organization believed it...