This month is the third installment of a eight-part series written by Donna K. Goestenkors, CPMSM, a credentialing and privileging consultant with The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc. in Marblehead, MA. This comprehensive series addresses things medical staff services...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 37
Under an intended practice plan model, part of the application process involves asking physicians what they plan to do in their practices during the next two years. This can be accomplished using a form in the application package. The form should consist of a series of important questions.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 37
Assuming a leadership position has its burdens, as anyone involved heavily in medical staff affairs will readily attest. It is important to be frank and open with physician recruits about the challenges and risks inherent in leadership roles.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 36
Robert Marder, MD, CMSL, shares a case study from a new book he co-authored with Jonathan H. Burroughs, MD, FACEP, CPE, FACPE, CMSL. This case study highlights some lessons learned to help make peer review more effective in your organization.