Editor's note

Dear readers,

Our 2016 Credentialing Resource Center Symposium is less than a month away. If you plan to join us April 7-8 at the Orlando Hyatt Regency, time is running out to book a room at the discounted rate of $209. The cutoff date for this rate is March 16. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis and often sell out before the cutoff so don’t miss out.

This symposium provides the information you as a medical staff leader need to complete your day-to-day functions. A specific focus is placed on how to interpret and act on OPPE and FPPE data, and how to make decisions as a member of your credentials committee. Along with the opportunity to network with medical staff leaders from other organization, our expert speakers will take the time during the Rapid Fire, Hard Ball session to answer your questions about new (or ongoing) medical staff challenges.

Thanks for reading!

Son Hoang, editor, Medical Staff Leader Insider