Featured blog post: Sharpen the tools in your interactive recruitment marketing kit
In the physician recruitment cycle, we are at a critical stage when residents and fellows who completed training in 2010 have started practicing, and the members of the class of 2011 have started searching for their dream jobs in earnest. A Cejka Search focus group of 2011 residents and fellows revealed that more than half of residents and fellows have already started, or will begin, to interview before the year’s end, and more than one-third say they hope to sign a contract by that time.
The urgency for reaching out to these young recruits is high, and the channels with which to reach them are diversifying with every new technology that emerges. Manhattan Research stated that the “professional use of smartphones and online user-generated content are no longer early adopter activities of a tech-savvy few; these types of activities are the norm for the majority of physicians today.”
To read more of this blog post, visit MedicalStaffLeader.com.