Very shortly, Medical Staff Leader Connection will be replaced with Medical Staff Leader Insider. In addition to the name change, we’ve improved your reading experience with expanded content and enhanced design. We hope you enjoy the new look.
On November 18, 2011, CMS released a new change to the Conditions of Participation (CoP) and Interpretative Guidelines under Transmittal 72. This transmittal required further clarification following the initial requirement that all rehabilitation and respiratory providers writing...
The Washington State Supreme Court remanded a medical malpractice discovery dispute to the trial court for an in-camera record review relating to the state's peer review and quality improvement statutes. The court analyzed and ruled on three issues: a hospital's records of the...
Most people don't realize that hospitals are run by boards, and even for people who work in hospitals, the board is shrouded in mystery. Although it seems that one needs to know a secret handshake to gain insight into the board's inner workings, transparency is the new word on...
The words "drug addict" probably don't conjure up the image of a physician as physicians are usually highly regarded members of a community. Despite this perception, even physicians aren't immune to drug addiction, and the consequences of their addiction reach a broader audience...
The healthcare industry is facing many changes in the year ahead, and MSPs are not exempt. MSB spoke with several MSPs to learn what challenges they face in 2013 and how they plan to confront them.