The California Court of Appeals, First Appellate District, affirmed a district court's judgment regarding a physician's claim that his peer review hearing violated his due process and his subsequent suspension was not supported by substantial evidence. The court concluded there...
Suspending a physician's privileges can be a tricky procedure, although it's a situation that every medical executive committee (MEC) faces at one point or another. Suspending physicians for impairment is typically very straightforward, but suspensions that result from...
To keep up with today's complex privileging requirements, MSPs need to understand the growing roles of APPs and how they integrate with the medical staff. Pursuant to 21 CFR § 1300.01(b28), the term "mid-level practitioner" (otherwise known as APP), specifically means an...
Author's note: Over time, many medical staff governance decisions have become commonplace, even the ones that are unnecessary. This series examines some of the more prevalent myths and misconceptions, delineates what is required and what is not, and offers trends and best...