With a physician shortage looming, lawmakers are now looking at ways to ensure that the 2.5 million new beneficiaries—who will be added as a result of President Obama’s healthcare overhaul—will have access to quality care. Some in the state are suggesting the expansion of the reach of certain...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 14, Issue 11
R. Dean White, DDS, MS, a medical staff advisor and coach, provides quality advice for medical staff professionals and leaders for becoming an effective mentor in this week’s tip.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 14, Issue 11
Any healthcare job losses that do come as a result of sequestration will be "disproportionately low" in relation to other industry sectors says one economist. Click the link above to read more.
The Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) has announced new standards for OPPE and FPPE for critical access hospitals and acute care hospitals. The requirements were approved by CMS and take effect starting January 2015. By that date, HFAP-accredited facilities must have...