The Wisconsin court of appeals reversed the decision of the circuit court, which had reversed the state Medical Examining Board's decision to sanction Dr. Frank Salvi, a pain physician, for allegedly touching patients in a sexual manner.
There was a time when medical staff standards seemed simpler and they were all located in one place: the Medical Staff chapter of The Joint Commission's Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (CAMH). But things are different today. Standards that apply to the...
Hospitalists who are guaranteed more money make less overall, according to the Medical Group Management Association's and the Society of Hospital Medicine's State of Hospital Medicine: 2011 Report Based on 2010 Data. The report states that adult hospitalists who earn high...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 20, Issue 12
Credentialing and privileging approval depends on a variety of hard data sources, from NPDB information to internal quality data. But one equally weighted component comes from colleague references in the form of peer recommendations.
The Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, denied plaintiff Timothy Gonteski's request for a new trial against Emergency Physician Associates of South Jersey, PC (EPA). Gonteski brought the wrongful death suit after his wife was treated for a headache in an emergency...