Keeping track of the steps of the peer review process can be just as daunting for MSPs as the actual process is for physicians under review. There are many steps to remember, and it is of the utmost importance that each step is followed to prevent legal action by physicians...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 2
Access to the Internet has made it easier to track down credentialing information. The real job for credentialing specialists has become verifying the validity of such information. Training MSPs to spot the difference between credible and useless information is key to making the...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 21, Issue 2
With hospitals hiring more physician assistants (PA) and advanced practice nurses (APN), it is important for these advanced practice professionals to feel comfortable in their role and have a productive work environment. To do so, the medical staff office should focus on three areas.
Keeping track of the steps of the peer review process can be just as daunting for MSPs as the actual process is for physicians under review. There are many steps to remember, and it is of the utmost importance that each step is followed to prevent legal action by physicians...
A recent study from Loyola University Medical Center illustrates how adding a nurse practitioner (NP) to a medical or surgical department can improve patient discharges, reduce unnecessary readmissions through the ED, and save hospitals money.
Access to the Internet has made it easier to track down credentialing information, but it has also opened the door to potential legal risks. The job for credentialing specialists has become verifying the validity of credentialing information found on the Internet. Training MSPs...