Medical Staff Alert: Joint Commission releases 2009 National Patient Safety Goals
The Joint Commission announced its 2009 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) and elements of performance (EP) yesterday. The biggest changes came in the form of new infection control requirements.
Crucial to understanding the 2009 NPSGs is a new method of numbering the goals, for which the Joint Commission has created a crosswalk, available on its Web site. The Joint Commission says it created the new method for numbering the NPSGs and related EPs to more easily sort electronic editions of the NPSGs. The new numbering system will also better allow for future goals to be added.
In addition, what were formerly referred to as implementation expectations (IEs) are now referred to as EPs. All of the new organizational changes appear to make the NPSGs look more like the standards in The Joint Commission's Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, which is also expected to be renumbered in the near future.
To access the National Patient Safety Goals, click here.