A common lament heard from medical staffs across the country is that 80% of the medical staff’s work is done by 20% (or these days even less) of the physicians. It probably has always been that way, but the problem has been accentuated in recent years. The regulatory, accreditation, and...
It seems like a small issue, but sometimes what appears on the surface as an inconsequential turf battle among well-meaning physicians trying to maintain market share can result in everyone loosing. Take the following example.
Credentialing and peer reviewing providers involves many complex processes. During the recent Credentialing Resource Center Virtual Symposium, speakers discussed the ins and outs of those processes and shared their best practices when addressing the red flags that come along with them.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 31, Issue 12
How does your medical staff team handle a situation in which a physician with documented red flags resigns during an investigation or prior to an investigation?
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 31, Issue 12
Healthcare inequities have plagued certain populations based on many factors, including race, religion, class, sexual orientation, and language. To help healthcare organizations address this situation, NCQA launched its Health Equity Accreditation programs, which provide frameworks of actionable...