Do you know which accreditors’ and regulators’ standards your organization must follow? This may seem like a simple question, but your organization may be accredited by both The Joint Commission and ACHC. Or you might need to check both acute care and ambulatory standards if your organization...
Potential concerns about an applicant, often called red flags, should be identified and documented. With time and practice, you’ll learn to discern signs of trouble. Examples of red flags include the following:
During the Credentialing Resource Center Virtual Symposium, held June 28–29, speakers fielded many questions on going beyond the basics of credentialing. Many MSPs are now looking at how to become effective managers and lead process changes at their organizations. The following is an excerpt...
Due to changing healthcare technologies, increasing specialization, and the growth of individual healthcare institutions, organizations must routinely evaluate new procedures to establish criteria for privileging practitioners in that area. It is often difficult to determine whether a privilege...
Credentialing teams face the prospect of more and more problematic physicians applying for jobs. How can these teams do their part to ensure an acceptable level of care that ultimately protects patients?