News and briefs: AAPS speaks out against proposed Colorado vaccine rule

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) objects to a proposed Colorado law requiring all healthcare workers to have the influenza immunization as a condition of employment.

In a December 14 letter to Colorado health officials, AAPS Executive Director Jane Orient, MD, says the policy is vague and a proposed religious exemption for declining immunization is “grammatically flawed and incoherent.”

Healthcare workers with a religious or medical exemption would be required to wear a mask in patient care areas from November to March.The letter questions the overall effectiveness of influenza vaccines and says a mask requirement is “punitive retaliation against those who decline the vaccine” and could “needlessly alarm” patients. AAPS is asking Colorado officials to drop the mask requirement.

According to AAPS, less than half of American healthcare workers choose to be immunized every year. AAPS asks judgment on immunization be made by the individual professional and respected by all officials.

To read the AAPS letter, click here.