It’s been almost a year since COVID-19 began to really take shape in the United States and affect hospitals, healthcare facilities and, of course, medical staffs. And it’s not over, naturally, just because we’re in a new year. MSPs know this all too well. What have been the biggest lessons for...
Forty-two percent of physicians reported being burned out, according to a Medscape survey of more than 12,000 physicians in various specialties from August to November 2020. The results of the survey were published as the Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2021,...
Taking a corrective action against a colleague is one of the most difficult challenges medical staff leaders can face. Many physicians are fearful to place a colleague in corrective action. They might not want to take away or restrict another practitioner’s livelihood. They could also be afraid...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 30, Issue 1
The question is often asked, “Will we have enough competent, skilled leaders able to manage and navigate the increasingly complex world of healthcare?” In some cases, leaders are still selected and appointed based on their subject-matter knowledge or their willingness to serve—not their capacity...
One common trend among hospitals today is to hire physician executives for such roles as chief medical officer (CMO), vice president of medical affairs (VPMA), or medical director. Should these executives manage the performance of physicians on the medical staff? No.