The gender pay gap is not news. In 2016, a Forbes article pointed out that the healthcare and social assistance industry had the fourth highest gender pay gap behind the finance and insurance; public administration; and professional, scientific, and technical services industries, even though...
If you are looking for a well-paying job, look in healthcare, according to a new report from U.S. News & World Report. Tied for a median salary of $208,000, the top paying jobs are: anesthesiologist, surgeon, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, obstetrician and gynecologist,...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 30, Issue 1
The Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division Court (the “Court”) granted defendants’ motion to dismiss, finding that a plaintiff must adequately identify both the commercial market and the defendant’s detrimental effect on the market in order to succeed in an antitrust claim....
When the COVID-19 pandemic officially created a public health emergency earlier in the year, organizations across the country were forced to decide how their employees should continue to perform their duties. For some, the decision was easy: pack up the laptop and files and work from home...
A mindfulness program for healthcare workers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center has decreased burnout and significantly increased resilience and work engagement, a recent research article found.
Join us April 19-22 for the NPE and CRC Virtual Experience: A Provider Enrollment, Credentialing, and Privileging Online Conference. This new event combines the best of two events you've come to know and love over the years: Credentialing Resource Center Symposium and National...