When a physician applies to a medical staff, one of the first things that credentialing specialists verify is the physician’s state license. If the license looks clean, the physician must be good, right? Not necessarily.
Although MSPs often work behind the scenes, what they add to the focused professional practice evaluation (FPPE) process directly affects the quality of physicians who practice at their hospitals.
About 60% of practicing physicians will experience burnout at some point in their careers, says Michael Krasner, MD, associate professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Rochester in New York.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 6
Today’s credentialing practices extend beyond the traditional hospital realm. Hospital-based MSPs can benefit from learning about other approaches to credentialing, whether it takes place in a medical board setting or in a nonhospital organization. These alternative insights allow MSPs more...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 19, Issue 6
If the MSP is unable to obtain any required information, the hospital should inform the applicant that it is now his or her responsibility to obtain the required information and that the hospital will postpone or discontinue the reapplication process until it receives the required information.