With the rise of technology and changing regulations, the credentialing process is undergoing significant transformations. In a candid interview with Keon Williams, CPCS, CPMSM, credentialing manager at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, we delve deep into the...
A Massachusetts man has been charged with unauthorized practice of medicine and unauthorized practice of dentistry after running a dentist office out of a convenience store.
According to...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 9
It is common to say, “Let’s train someone by having them do something they have never done before so they get experience.” I guess we come from this background of “see one, do one, teach one,” so if we jump and throw them in, they will learn that way.
This is the latest in a continuing series of articles designed for medical staff leaders and their associates. This month, Greeley and Williams discuss a possibly problematic situation that can arise during a merger when tensions are already running high.
Only 31% of physicians believe their workplace culture prioritizes their well-being, according to a recent survey by the Physician Foundation. This represents a 5% decline from a year ago.