Medical staff documents must address the many administrative issues that are required to facilitate the smooth operation of the organization. When redesigning your medical staff structure, consider the number of committees and meeting attendance and quorum requirements. Are they all necessary...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 30, Issue 2
The surgery department chair walked into the medical staff services department and asked Carol Cairns, CPMSM, CPCS, to add the issue of aging physicians to the agenda of the department’s next meeting. Cairns was surprised. And naturally curious. This general surgeon was a highly respected member...
It can be difficult sometimes to justify holding meetings. But they are an important tool for communication in any organization, especially healthcare institutions. The following are some effective ways that the medical staff services office can support meeting efficiency.
Being a physician is the fifth best overall job in the country, according to a U.S. News & World report ranking the 100 best jobs. This ranking was based on several factors, including unemployment rate, 10-year growth volume, future job prospects, work-life balance, and median salary.
The past year saw a sharp increase in the number of telemedicine visits, largely due to the public health emergency precipitated by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that telemedicine visits in the first quarter of 2020 increased...
There is a trend around the country to lengthen the terms of office for important medical staff positions. This is to promote continuity and to give leaders a change to grow into their roles.