While it's certainly not considered one of the perks of the job, at some point during their career MSPs will have to deal with a physician who exhibits disruptive behavior.
Take this peer review quiz on your own or present it at the next peer review committee meeting to assess training needs and spur discussion. All questions are based on information provided in Medical Staff Briefing over the past year.
Standard of care reflects a clinical benchmark of acceptable quality medical care. This benchmark encompasses the learning, skill, and clinical judgment ordinarily possessed and used by prudent healthcare...
A key part to any credentialing application is the attestation, acknowledgment, and release forms. These documents protect your organization as well as the entities that release information to your organization throughout the credentialing process.
Aristotle spoke of practical wisdom in his classic book Nicomachean Ethics, as noted in the contemporary book by Barry Schwartz, PracticalWisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing (Riverbend Books, New York, 2010). "Ethics, said Aristotle, was not mainly...
A key part to any credentialing application is the attestation, acknowledgment, and release forms. These documents protect your organization as well as the entities that release information to your organization throughout the credentialing process.