Tip of the week: Extinguish medical staff office fires effectively

When you, as a manger, find yourself repeatedly addressing the same issues, ask yourself whether you have really addressed them or just placed a temporary bandage on them. When processing any complaint from staff, colleagues, or physicians, always be sure to do the following:

  • Follow policy
  • Develop a clear process by which others can submit complaints to you
  • Ensure a plan for follow-up and closure
  • Be a good listener (Sometimes a person’s complaint isn’t really what’s bothering him or her. Personal issues may be influence his or her perception of a situation.)
  • Notify your manager or chief of staff when you determine that a risk-management issue is brewing, particularly with regard to another physician
  • Avoid brushing off complaints that seem unimportant to you
  • Spend an appropriate amount of time gathering facts and clarifying information
  • Steer clear of making hasty decisions

This week’s tip is adapted from Assessing Your Medical Staff Office: Tools for Productivity by Beverly E. Pybus, CPMSM and Nancy Lian, CPCS, CPMSM.