Tip of the week: Get back that lovin' feelin'

Next Monday is Valentine’s Day. To get in the spirit, take a few moments to remind yourself why you love your job. This small exercise may thwart a bad day in its tracks and rejuvenate your enthusiasm. Jean Kearns, director of medical staff services at Bon Secours Richmond Health System in Richmond, VA, writes:

The rewards and learning experiences far outweigh the stresses. I cannot think of another job I’d rather have. I have a wonderfully engaged medical staff leadership team that when they going gets tough, they get going and get the job done. My facility’s leadership always recognizes my values and accomplishments. Over the past several years, I have been assigned to several departmental collaborative practice groups so that I have a better understanding of everyone’s role in providing care to our patients and can support them in addressing their medical staff issues.

This week’s tip is from “What do you love about your job: MSPs share what pulls at their heartstrings this Valentine’s Day” in the February issue of Medical Staff Briefing.