Tip of the week: Plan interventions with disruptive docs

Conducting an intervention with a disruptive medical staff member can be emotionally draining for even the most experienced physician leader. The process is made a bit easier if the leader is prepared. Planning the intervention involves answering the following series of questions:

  • Who will conduct the intervention?
  • Where will the intervention occur?
  • When will the intervention occur?
  • What are the goals of the intervention?
  • What are the physician's likely responses and what will you do if he or she reacts as expected?
  • What sources of influence will most likely cause a physician to discontinue disruptive behavior?
  • What is your backup plan if the physician refuses to change?
  • How will you know whether significant change has occurred?
  • How will you document that intervention?

Editor's note: To learn more about how to conduct an intervention, check out HCPro's training video "Dealing with Disruptive Physicians: How to End Problem Physician Behavior Now'" by clicking here.