Tip of the week: Prepare a list of FAQs before distributing physician competency reports for the first time

Putting together a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) is a useful change management strategy. They are especially helpful when distributing physician competency reports for the first time and when sharing such reports with new medical staff members. The FAQs should address how the report was created, who selected the measures, how the data will be interpreted, and how the organization will use the data. Use the following 10 questions as a guide to get you started:

  • Why is the report being distributed?
  • What aspects of competency will the report cover?
  • How will the indicators and targets be selected?
  • Which indicators will be linked to credentialing?
  • Who will receive the data?
  • How often will it be distributed?
  • How should the report be interpreted?
  • When will the physicians be held accountable for performance?
  • How will the report follow-up be performed?
  • How will the report be improved?

This week’s tip is adapted from Measuring Physician Competency: How to Collect, Assess, and Provide Performance Data by Robert Marder, MD, CMSL; Mark Smith, MD, CMSL; Marla Smith, MHSA; and Vicky Searcy, CPMSM.