Tip of the week: Put a process in place that fits low- and no-volume practitioners

To develop the best approach to low- and no-volume practitioners in your healthcare community, it is helpful to utilize a step-by-step process. These steps are as follows:

  1. Identify strategic and competency goals
  2. Design and implement an outreach program for low- and no-volume practitioners
  3. Separate medical staff membership from privileges
  4. Create gradations in your delineations of privileges
  5. Strengthen information gathering from references
  6. Create an effective OPPE and FPPE policy and process
  7. Summarize your results in a strategic approach to assessing competency for each type of practitioner

This week’s tip is from Engage and Align the Medical Staff and Hospital Management, by Jonathan H. Burroughs, MD, MBA, FACPE, CMSL; Robert J. Marder, MD, CMSL; and Mary J. Hoppa, MD, MBA, CMSL.