If a group of physicians approached your hospital about doing an underarrangement (a hospital contracts with a third party to provide a service to the hospital and its patients), the hospital might immediately say no because underarrangements come prepackaged with negative legal consequences.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 46
Depression can be a stand-alone impairment or it can be linked with burnout. The overall physician suicide rate is between 28 and 40 per 100,000 physicians as compared to the general population rate of 12 per 100,000, according to the Council on Scientific Affairs.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 45
This weekly column from The Greeley Company addresses current issues in peer review, bylaws and governance, credentialing and privileging, physician leadership,...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 45
Disruptive and impaired physicians can put patients at risk, create an uncomfortable working environment, and undermine the medical staff’s culture. If you have a disruptive or impaired physician on your medical staff, check out...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 45
Medical staffs that try to enforce attendance requirements usually find it a frustrating endeavor. Few are willing to remove a physician from the staff for failing to meet medical staff meeting requirements.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 11, Issue 45
This week’s Free Form Friday giveaway is a focused professional practice evaluation (FPPE) form for newly requested privileges. It was submitted by Angela Stokes-Middleton, CPCS, manager in the office of medical staff affairs at Hoboken (NJ) University Medical Center. Angela says that she uses...