Robert Marder, MD, CMSL, vice president of The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc., in Marblhead, MA discusses the importance of choosing an appropriate name for your peer review committee.
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 43
Every once in a while, I read a book that has concise “pearls” that I find both practical and useful. One such a book is Leading Others, Managing Yourself by Peter McGinn (Health Administration Press, 2005). Peter is a former clinical psychologist, who following consulting engagements...
Credentialing Resource Center Digest - Volume 9, Issue 42
Sometimes the best way to understand something is to understand what it is not. When bringing new proctors on board, make sure they understand that proctoring is the process that allows for the focused evaluation of a physicians’ current competency in carrying out clinical care.