Along with their existing medical staff credentialing obligations, MSPs are increasingly tasked with managing provider enrollment duties. With a solid grasp of the payer credentialing process and requirements, MSPs can avoid payer credentialing delays to reduce lost revenue.
For many of us, normalcy has left our professional and personal lives due to COVID-19. During the past two years, hospitals have had to contend with a litany of issues: vaccine mandates, overflows of patients presenting with COVID-19 symptoms, having to shut doors to family members wanting to...
Your organization should assess bylaws on an annual basis and whenever a regulatory body introduces a new standard or makes changes to an existing standard. However, a thorough assessment of your bylaws can occur less frequently.
To make the process for physicians to maintain their certification more meaningful and convenient, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) recently adopted new standards for its continuing certification process.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 31, Issue 3
Last month in CRCJ, we covered some important duties for MSPs and the latest trends and insights for those roles. This month, we look deeper into some key responsibilities. Jodie Chant, MPA/HCA, BHSA, CPCS, RHIT, president of Chant Medical Staff Resources, LLC,...
The story of Michael Swango, the physician currently serving a life prison sentence for poisoning his patients and colleagues, motivated numerous medical executive committees to conduct background investigations on all medical staff applicants. Such practices allow medical staffs to identify...