All acute-care hospitals should have policies regarding conflicts of interests. Make certain that every person covered by your facility's conflicts of interests policy submits in writing to the chief executive officer a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement listing all financial and/or...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has established the Conditions of Participation (CoP), which are the absolute minimum set of requirements that all hospitals must meet to participate in federal payment programs. CoP s require that there be an organized...
One very common clause in a physician employment agreement is “co-terminus” language, which addresses whether clinical privileges are tied to the employment contract. If they are, then physicians automatically lose their clinical privileges if the employment contract is terminated. This...
Sometimes well-intentioned medical staff leaders limit their effectiveness by confusing disruptive behavior with impairment. If an underlying impairment is the cause of disruptive behavior, our impulse is to heal it by providing a therapeutic intervention. But in many cases, the problematic...
Understanding what the NPDB considers an investigation is very important because several of the updates clarify reporting requirements when a practitioner resigns while under investigation. How does the NPDB describe investigations?
The hospital governing board’s oversight responsibilities are critical to the success of the organization. Governing boards need information that can enable them to optimally perform their duties. The roles and responsibilities of the governing board include everything from ensuring cost-...