Q: With regard to the decision to opt in or out of a unified, integrated medical staff, our bylaws say that only active medical staff members have a vote. Does this mean we need a revision to allow other categories of medical staff to vote as well?
In addition to requiring competency information from practitioners, organizations should develop a policy and procedures specifying which data they will share, and how, and the healthcare entities with which the data will be shared. An important early step is to evaluate the state peer review...
A hospital may require an application to submit a written request or complete a pre-application, although many medical staffs have discontinued the use of pre-applications. Regardless of whether a practitioner must fill out a pre-application or a full application, if he or she is ineligible for...
The federal Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA) was passed by Congress to extend immunity to good faith peer review of physicians and dentists and to create the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). The statute is located at 42 United States Code section 11101 et seq.