The healthcare sector is experiencing a wave of consolidations with a significant uptick in hospital and health system mergers and acquisitions. This trend, driven by the quest for operational efficiencies, market expansion, and technological integration, has added work for medical staff...
To ensure that the credentials committee benefits from interested, experienced, and knowledgeable members, the members of the credentials committee should be able to serve significant tenures (e.g., three or more years).
Medical staff bylaws should address how to manage conflicts of interest once disclosed or otherwise determined—a critical, but often overlooked, step in ensuring a fair, consistent application of the defined protocol.
This is the latest in a continuing series of articles designed for medical staff leaders and their associates. This month, Greeley and Williams discuss what to do when a physician wants to incorporate a new technology or procedure.
Employed practitioners must comply with HR policies, such as those surrounding orientation, patient safety, and risk management. Such requirements, which promote understanding of the organization’s culture and compliance with regulations and standards regarding patient care and safety, should...
Increasingly, organizations are implementing policies for evaluating older members of the medical staff—often for practitioners at age 70, or earlier if self-referral occurs. The policy may contain steps such as the following.