It is common to say, “Let’s train someone by having them do something they have never done before so they get experience.” I guess we come from this background of “see one, do one, teach one,” so if we jump and throw them in, they will learn that way.
Increasingly, organizations are implementing policies for evaluating older members of the medical staff—often for practitioners at age 70, or earlier if self-referral occurs. The policy may contain steps such as the following.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 8
The U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico (the “Court”) held that a correctional facility couldn’t claim the privilege under the Patient Safety Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) after admitting they weren’t aware of the privilege’s existence...
When the medical staff asks a department chair to assign physician proctors for a newly appointed medical staff member, he or she should delegate the responsibilities as follows:
Several non-physician reviewers from the hospital's quality department undertake audits both of the
Although this option exists in most email programs, let’s face it—once something is sent electronically, you cannot physically take it back. You are at the mercy of the recipient, hoping they will respect your wishes and delete the email...
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 32, Issue 6
The task of managing a team while ensuring patients receive optimal care remains a crucial challenge for MSPs. Sara Collins, MHA, CPCS, CPMSM, AVP of professional medical affairs at Lifepoint Health and an accomplished healthcare executive, caught up with CRCJ to share vital insights in this...