The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (the "Court") vacated a pair of lower court rulings, finding that documents in a physician's credentialing file and from the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) were protected from disclosure in a lawsuit claiming corporate negligence against a hospital....
Hospitals with well-defined leadership selection criteria that establish a physician’s eligibility to run for office are more likely to elect well-qualified, committed, and knowledgeable medical staff officers. It is hard to hit the target unless you aim for it.
Depending on the structure of an organization, medical staff leadership may often change as department chairs, vice presidents of medical affairs, medical directors, and others come and go.
In these situations, it's the MSP—along with the established policies, procedures...
For a hospital and its medical staff to be truly successful in today’s challenging environment, each must take a proactive and win-win approach to improving physician-hospital relations. The truly successful organization is characterized by better solutions to achieving high-quality patient care...
Proactive recruitment means finding physicians on the medical staff who have the ability to lead, but whose talents may not have come to the notice of others. Using surveys is one tool to ferret out potential leaders.
COVID-19 has upended the world in terms of public health and had a profound effect on healthcare operations, healthcare staff, and the well-being of caretakers and their families. That goes equally for medical staff professionals like Mary D. Dijkstra, FMSD, CPCS, CPMSM, who serves as the...