In some form or another, almost every practitioner has either heard of or been involved in a privileging criteria dispute. Fortunately, there are ways to resolve the situation—or to avoid it altogether.
Adhere to two important principles when creating criteria that could potentially be...
Have an all-star MSP on your team? We want to know! Email CRC editor Karla Accorto at with their name, organization, email address, and a few sentences about what makes them such a great MSP and team member. Your nominated MSP could be...
Credentialing and privileging regulations for advanced practice professionals (APP) are currently a loose patchwork of federal and state statutes. Given this variability, today’s discussion centers on strategies that MSPs and medical staff leaders can use to identify and apply relevant laws to...
MSPs often struggle to receive information—including elements of medical staff applications—in a timely manner. Although the responsibility for providing the required information lies with the practitioner, there are certain things MSPs can do to be proactive.
Credentialing Resource Center Journal - Volume 29, Issue 7
Credentialing exists to protect patients, healthcare organizations, and healthcare providers. Thus, one of the most important functions of the medical executive committee (MEC) is vigilant oversight of the credentialing and privileging processes. If MEC members do this poorly, they will most...